HANDS-ON TRAINING AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY in Crisis Intervention and Victimology
The Pima County Attorney’s Office Victim Services Division will be conducting training in Crisis Intervention and Victimology starting September 3rd 2019. Individuals interested in the Crisis Training must attend one of two information sessions – Tuesday, August 13th or Tuesday, August 20th from 6-8pm at the Tucson police Department Miracle Mile substation.
This is a well-structured, comprehensive and hands-on training. The training teaches basic crisis intervention skills, concepts and techniques. In addition, it examines various types of crimes and the specific victimization dynamics that victims of the crimes may face, including common trauma reactions. This training is also the gateway into volunteering or participating in an internship with the Victim Services Division.
The training will be held at the Tucson Police Substation located at 1310 W Miracle Mile Rd. from 6:00pm-9:00pm every Tuesday and Thursday for six weeks.
Anyone interested in attending the training or volunteering with the division must come to one of the informational sessions. (See flyer for details)
If you have any questions or would like additional material for distribution, please contact the volunteer coordinator at 724-5525.