We are pleased to invite you to the 2019 Labor Trafficking Symposium, hosted by Arizona State University Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research, The McCain Institute for International Leadership, and The City of Phoenix. This one-day symposium seeks to begin a community-wide conversation about the issue of labor trafficking, by:
• Providing education and awareness about labor trafficking globally, nationally, and locally
• Learning from national experts about labor trafficking and what can be done to intervene
• Discussing what is currently known labor trafficking nationally and locally
• Determining what can be developed to fight labor trafficking in Arizona
The target audience for this symposium includes local and statewide human trafficking task force or council members, law enforcement, social service providers, those working with vulnerable persons, and legal providers. Please share this invitation with your community!!!
Please register at: https://tinyurl.com/2019LTSymposium to be sure to have a seat.
For any inquiries please contact Kristen Bracy at kbracy@asu.edu